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About us

Fredrik Mogensen AB is a global supplier of screening equipment for industries. With patented products, great expertise and a strong customer focus, we supply high-quality products.

Our broad program of sizer types and strong focus on product development will help us achieve our goal of being an efficient and dependable partner within a broad range of processes.



The concept

Mogensen är en effektiv och trygg partner genom hela processen, från behovsinventering till driftsättning och service. Med stor lyhördhet och starkt kundfokus levererar vi helhetslösningar för alla siktbehov. Mogensen is an efficient and dependable partner throughout the entire process, from establishing requirements to start of production and service. With great receptiveness and a strong customer focus, we supply holistic solutions for all screening needs.

Through constant development and quality-assured production, we can always meet the customer’s requirements on economy, quality and delivery reliability.

We continue to support our customers’ productivity after installation by offering a complete aftersales program with spare parts and maintenance service.



Company facts

Fredrik Mogensen AB has 25 employees. Exports constitute 80% of our turnover of MSEK 53. In 1997 the company was granted certification in accordance with the European standard ISO 9001. We also have an AAA credit rating from Dun & Bradstreet.


Download a copy of our ISO 9001 certificate




Our sizers are based on the results of research conducted by Fredrik Mogensen, Ph.D., Engineering.

Det revolutionerande genombrottet kom 1947 då han byggde prototypen för den första Mogensen Sizer, enligt principen att olika stora partiklar har olika stor sannolikhet att passera en siktduk, även när partiklarna är mindre än siktdukens maskor. Lutande plan på siktdukarna ger bättre effekt och ökad kapacitet.
The revolutionary breakthrough came in 1947, when Fredrik Mogensen built the prototype for the first Mogensen Sizer, based on the principle that differently sized particles have different probability of passing through a screen cloth, even when smaller than the mesh openings of the screen cloth. Sloping the screen decks produces a better effect and increases the capacity of a specific area.

Mogensen’s international expansion gathered momentum in the 1960s and today we are represented in Europe, Asia and North America. The company moved to Hjo in 1970 and in 1995 we became part of the German Group, Allgaier Werke GmbH.



Environmental awareness

At Mogensen, we are working towards a sustainable long term environmental development by:


• choosing local suppliers to the highest possible extent


• improve and increase recycling


• reducing energy usage


• trying to minimize transportation


Contact info

Fredrik Mogensen AB

Sveavägen 26

SE-544 50 Hjo, Sweden

Tel: +46 (0)503-323 40


Fractioning, vibrating screen, screening machines, bulk material handling and screening equipment.




We have made a film about our company. Click on the text to see it.